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Amusing view on the Russian society in the 1770's

Anecdoten wegens Rusland. In gemeenzaamen brieven geschreven uit Petersburg.
Amsterdam, J. Yntema, 1784-1785. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary blind-stamped vellum. [6], 172; [4], 201, [7] pp.
€ 950
Amusing work in Dutch on the Russian Empire in the form of a series of 49 letters written by William Richardson (1743-1814), Scottish classicist and literary scholar. Richardson discusses a wide array of subjects: the politics, (the character of) Empress Catherine the Great, climate, religion, customs, law, the progress of the first Russo-Turkish War, the library of the Academy (of Peter the Great), and other events and ceremonies during the years 1769-1772. Hinges loosening. Good copy of a lively work on the daily life in Russia in the last quarter of the 18th-century. Cat. Russica R1126; V. Gestel - Van het Schip, Maps in books of Russia and Poland 224; Poggendorff II, 576; not in Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe; Tiele, Bibl.
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