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Handbook on the plague, with symptoms and suggested herbal treatments

PUTMAN, Eduardus and Abraham Lenertsz VROLINGH.
Putmans manuael, dat is een kleyn pest-boecxken ... gecorrigeert ende vermeerdert ...
Antwerp, Marcelis Parijs, 1663 (colophon: 1662). 8vo. Later boards, covered with decorated paper. [2], 71, [8], [1 blank] pp.
€ 750
Third edition of a handbook on the plague, by Eduardus Putman, enlarged and improved by Abraham Lenertsz Vrolingh. The first edition was published in 1603 in Amsterdam, a second in 1646 in Zaandam. The present edition was most likely designed so that it could also be bound with Der matroosen ghesontheyd, an account of scurvy by Vrolingh. In the preface Vrolingh states that by joining the two works both sailor and soldier would benefit from the knowledge.
Putmans manuael seeks the cause of the plague in astrology, holding Mercury responsible for the illness in the whole body and other planets for specific regions of the body, such as behind the ears (Saturn and the moon), in the armpits (Mars and the sun) and in the groins (Venus and Jupiter). It also discusses the influence of the four elements: water, fire, earth and air. Other subjects covered are the plague in pregnant women, and a description of various symptoms such as headache, heart palpitations, thirst, fever and diarrhoea, followed by suggested treatments, selected from experience. Most of the medicines (pills and powders) are made from plants and herbs, such as nettle, rhubarb, rosemary and camomile.
With the bookplate of Van der Hoeven. Owner's manuscript note on flyleaf. BMN I, p. 209; Dijstelberge, "Plague and print" 1663/8; STCN (3 copies); STCV (1 copy); cf. Krivatsky 9325 (1603, Amsterdam & 1646 Zaandam eds.).
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