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Interesting full account of the outbreak of the Asiatic cholera in Leiden in 1832

Geschiedverhaal van de cholera-epidemie te Leiden, in 1832.
Leiden, C.C. van der Hoek, 1833. Large 8vo. Publisher's printed wrappers. VIII, 224 pp.
€ 500
Original and only edition of this first-hand and detailed account on the outbreak of the "cholera morbus", or Asiatic cholera in The Netherlands, and especially in Leiden in 1832. All three authors - Cornelis Pruys van der Hoeven (1792-1871), Cornelis Willem Hendrik van Kaathoven (1796-1879) and Gottlieb Salomon (1774-1865) - were eyewitnesses and composed their story on the basis of several official and private sources, the account of the Leiden physician and director of the interim emergency hospital in the Lakenhal, François Dozy (1807-1856) being the most important.
In 2005 the Leiden physician Har Meijer graduated at the Leiden University on the five outbreaks of cholera during the 19th century in Leiden between 1832 (the first outbreak) and 1866: Het vuil, de stad en de dokter (thesis, Leiden University, 2005) In the same year Meijer published a novel on the first outbreak of 1832 with our book as main source, titled De blauwe dood (Leiden, De Kier, 2005).
In very good condition. E.S. Houwaart, De hygiënisten: artsen, staat & volksgezondheid in Nederland 1840-1890 (1991), p. 406.
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