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Voyage to the Cape, India and Java

PRIOR, James.
Beschrijving eener reis naar de Indiesche zee met het fregat de Nisus en naar de Kaap De Goede Hoop, de eilanden Bourbon, Mauritius en andere; naar Madras, de eilanden Java, Sint Paul en Amsterdam gedurende de jaren 1810 en 1811.
Amsterdam, J.C. van Kesteren, 1820. With a view of Mauritius on the engraved title-page. Contemporary half calf, black morocco spine label, marbled sides. [II], IV, 242 pp.
€ 1,950
First edition of the Dutch translation of Prior's Voyage in the Indian seas in the Nisus frigate during 1810 and 1811 (London, 1820). The English and Dutch editions appeared almost simultaneously. It describes Prior's first voyage, initially only bound for the Cape of Good Hope, which in the event continued to India (Madras) and Java. The greater part deals with Mauritius, Seychelles and other islands on the east coast of South Africa. The present Dutch edition has a new view of Mauritius by Daniel Veelwaard on the title-page, which has no counterpart in the first English edition.
In very good condition. Cat. N.H.S.M., p. 144; South African bibliography III (1979), p. 744; cf. Howgego II, P44; not in Rouffaer-Muller; Tiele.
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