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Early treatise on the education of children

PORCIA, Jacopo di (Jacobus PURLILLARUS).
De liberorum educatione.
(Colophon: Strasbourg, Johannis Schot for Georg Übelin, 10 August 1510). 4to. With charming woodcut vignette at end showing a running hare between ornamental flowers. Later boards. [10] ll.
€ 4,850
Second edition of a rare Latin treatise on the education of children, published in Strasbourg by Johannes Schot at the expense of George Maxillus, alias Übelin, Councillor of the Bishop of Strasbourg. Di Porcia (1462-1538), an Italian humanist, first published the present work as De generosa librorum educatione, printed by Gerardus (de Lisa) de Flandria (Trevisio, 1492); a third edition appeared as part of Roscius's De docendi studendique mode ... in 1541.
The book starts with a laudatory poem by Johannes Baptista Uranius and a letter by Purlillarus, followed by short chapters on birth, infant feeding, ancestors, servants, teachers, children's games, religion, games of adolescents, ecclesiastical and military careers, careers in the civil service, old age and death.
With library stamp on back of title-page. Slightly foxed and thumbed. Spine damaged, hinges cracked. In good condition. BMC STC German, p. 712; Cat. incunables & livres XVIe s. Bibl. Municip. Strasbourg 1750; Ritter, Rép. des livres impr. en Alcace 1253; VD 16, P-4268.
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Dictionaries & Textbooks
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