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Very rare first editions of the neo-latin poetry and emblems of Cornelis Plemp, the friend of Vondel and Hooft

PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz.
Amsterodamum monogrammon.
-Quisquiliae seu elegiarum liber unus.
-Emblemata quinquaginta.
Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1616. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, woodcut on individual title-pages and 51 woodcut emblems with a diameter of ca 73 mm.
With: (2) PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Musius, sive rhythmi cum poematiis.
Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1618. With woodcut device on title-page, a woodcut illustration in text (same in ad 1), and some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces.
2 works in 1 volume. 4to. 19th-century boards. 113, [2], 119-191, [1 blank]; 47, [1] pp.
€ 4,250
Ad 1: Very rare first edition of the poetry and emblems of the Dutch lawyer, poet and musician Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Plemp (1574-1638). The work is divided into three parts with individual title-pages, starting with the poem Amsterodamum monogrammon on the rise and history of the city of Amsterdam. The second part contains 20 elegies followed by some other poems, which include poems for the weddings of P.C. Hooft, Johannes Fontanus, and Henricus Bontius. The third part contains his emblems, which are the most famous of his works. The 51 woodcuts, which are sometimes ascribed to Christoffel van Sichem, are accompanied by poems of varying lenght.
Ad 2: First edition of Plemp's poem Musius on the life of the Dutch Catholic priest and poet Cornelis Musius (1500-1572). He dedicated the work to Nicolaus Zoesius, bishop of 's-Hertogenbosch.
With bookplate, library stamp and some owner's inscriptions. Slightly browned, minor foxing, some occasional spots, and pages 5-6 of ad 2 damaged but repaired, with some lost of text. Binding rubbed along the extremities and spine heavily damaged. Otherwise a good copy. Ad 1: Landwehr, Emblem books Low Countries 501; Praz, pp. 124, 458-459; ad 2: STCN (6 copies).
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Literature & linguistics  >  Emblem, Fable & Songbooks
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