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Poem on the properties of animals

PHILES, Manuel.
De animalium proprietate, ex prima editione Arsenii et libro Oxoniensi restitutus a Joanne Cornelio de Pauw, cum ejusdem animadversionibus et versione Latina Gregorii Bersmanni. Accedunt et eodem libro Oxoniensi non pauca hactenus inedita.
Utrecht, Willem Schouw (colophon: printed by Pieter Muntendam), 1730. 4to. Modern gold-tooled brown half morrocco. [16], 347, [4] pp.
€ 450
Best edition of a poem on the characteristics of animals by the Byzantine author Manuel Philes (ca. 1275-1340), in the original Greek with Gregorius Bersman's 1596 Latin translation and commentary by the Dutch philologist Johannes Cornelis de Pauw. The text, based on Aelian and Oppian, deals mainly with birds and mammals.The present edition corrects the many errors of earlier editions and is dedicated to Abraham Gronovius, later librarian of Leiden University Library.
Back of title-page with a stamp of the British Museum Library and a stamp of the library's 1831 duplicate sale. Title-page slightly soiled, otherwise in good condition. Graesse V, 263; Wood, p. 518; for De Pauw: V. d. AA VI, p. 43; Biogr. Universelle XV, 143.
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