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A choice collection of fables, purified by a champion of chastity

PHAEDRUS (Jean Etienne Judith Forestier BOINVILLIERS, ed.).
Julii Phaedri, Caesaris Augusti Romanorum Imperatoris, Liberti, Fabulae, in quinque libros ex aequo divisae, ab omni genere obscenitatis expurgatae ... Cui operi accesserunt et novellae quaedam fabulae Phaedro attributae, et singulae quas Fontanius versibuus polivit, et Mythologia gallica latine convertenda, Editione et auctore J.S.J.F Boinvilliers ... Sexta edition, ad usum quintanorum.
Paris, August Delalain, 1825. 12mo. Half vellum and blue paper over boards. XVI, 208, 58 pp.
€ 250
One of the many editions of a choice collection of Phaedrus fables in Latin verses with notes in French, additional fables and the French fables of La Fontaine. The fables are severely purified by the Champion of chastity, Jean Etienne Judith Forestier Boinvilliers (1765-1830), a fanatic catholic French professor of languages and humanities. The first edition appeared in 1799, followed by at least 8 editions during the 19th century.
Shaved, corners slightly worn. Worldcat (1 copy).
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