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Rare third edition of an annotated Phaedrus in Latin verse (this edition also with a French prose translation) with notes by the Swedish professor Johannes Scheffer and by Franciscus Guyet

Phaedri Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque cum annotationibus Joannis Schefferi ... et Francisci Guyeti notis. Editio tertia ... In qua jungitur, interpretatio Gallica cum notis, & index Latinus uberrimus.
Hamburg, Gottfried Schultze; Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, 1673. 8vo. With woodcut title vignette. Contemporary gold-tooled vellum, each board with the coat-of-arms of Gouda (prize binding made for the city of Gouda) and double fillets, gold-tooled spine with red label lettered in gold. [36], 272, [57], [1 blank] pp.
€ 1,250
Third edition of Johannes Scheffers extensively annotated text of Phaedruss Latin verse adaptation of Aesops fables, the first to include a French translation (in prose) probably by Louis-Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy (1613-1684), first added in the second Scheffer edition. The Latin text for each fable is set in italic type, followed by the French prose translation in a smaller roman and the Latin notes and commentary in two columns in a still smaller roman.
Henric Curio, printer to the University of Uppsala in Sweden, published the first edition with Scheffers notes in 1663 (Latin only) and the second in 1667 (adding the French prose translation). Johannes Scheffer (1621-1679), one of the most important Swedish humanists of his time, was a professor at the University of Uppsala. In addition to Scheffers own notes, he added earlier notes by Franciscus Guyet (1575-1655) and others.
Lacking the engraved frontispiece, but otherwise in good condition. Landwehr, Emblem and fable books F170; VD17, 3:609053Q, 28:729091K, 1:043710C (6 copies); Schwabe/Barbier 60; STCN (4 copies); cf. Bodemann, 83.1 (4th ed.); for the binding: Spoelder, Gouda 2.
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