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Important bibliographical source for the history of Friesland and the first bibliography
exclusively devoted to Dutch authors

PETRI (PETRUS), Suffridus.
De scriptoribus Frisiae, decades XVI. Et semis: in quibus non modo peculiares Frisiae, sed & totius Germaniae communes antiquitates plurimae indicantur, & veterum historicorum ac geographorum loci, hactenus non intellecti, explicantur.
Franeker, Jacobus Horreus, 1699. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [88], 498 pp.
€ 1,500
Second edition of an important work on Frisian authors by Suffridus Petri (1527-1597), "one of the most famous scholars of his time" (NNBW). Petris extensive description of the lives and works of 165 Frisian authors, one of the most important bibliographical sources for the history of Friesland, is also "the first bibliography exclusively devoted to Dutch authors" (Breslauer & Folter).
With bookplate and a covered library stamp. A very good copy. Besterman, Early printed books 433; cf. Breslauer & Folter, Bibliography: its history and development 35; for the author: NNBW V, cols. 498-499.
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