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Two very rare peace treaties between Russia and the Safavid Empire

PETER II, Tsar and Shah ASHRAF.
[Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, zwischen dem russischen Reich und dem Sultan Eschref, jetzigem Besitzer des persischen Thrones zu Ispahan. Von russischer Seite ertheilet.
St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1729.
With: (2) ANNA, Tsarina and Shah TAHMASP II. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, so zwischen Ihro Kayserl. Majest. von allen Reussen und des persischen Schachs Majest. in der Provintz Gilan zu Rätsche durch die von beyden Seiten bevollmächtigte Ministros am 21. Jan. 1732 geschlossen worden.St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1732. Two treaties between Russia and the Safavid Empire in Russian and German in 2 parallel columns. Small folio (27.5 x 19.5 cm). Disbound. 10; 12 pp.
€ 6,500
Ad 1: Very rare first and only edition of the Treaty of Rasht, a peace treaty between the Russian Empire and the Persian Safavid Empire, concluded between the very young Tsar Peter II and Shah Ashraf, who would both die a year later. After the Russian Tsar Peter the Great died in 1725, Russia faced difficulties in retaining the newly conquered lands around the Caspian Sea. The Safavids wished to push the Russians back from all Persian territory, and after some minor battles, they agreed to a truce in 1727, which was signed at Rasht in 1729. "The treaty incorporated a number of provisions that seemed to resolve all the outstanding issues between Russia and Persia but, as a practical matter, it was never put into effect. By the time the pact was signed, Ashraf's regime was already on the verge of being overthrown by Nadir Quli Khan. ... Having successfully disposed the Afghans (i.e. Ashraf), Nadir then turned his attention to the restoration of the Persian lands seized earlier by the Ottomans and the Russians" (Sicker).
Ad 2: Second copy located of the first and only edition of a new peace treaty between the new rulers of the Russian and the Safavid Empire, concluded between Tsarina Anna and Shah Tahmasp II, just a few months before the latter was deposed by Nadir Quli Khan, the future Nader Shah.
Upon restoring both treaties, the title-pages were switched; both have their spines strengthened, some restorations to the fore-edge margins and some waterstains, but all text is present and clearly legible; fair copies of two very rare treaties. Ad 1: Catalogue de la section des Russica 820; WorldCat (3 copies); Ad 2: WorldCat (1 copy); cf. G. Mirfendereski, A diplomatic history of the Caspian Sea (2001), pp. 14-15; M. Sicker, The Islamic world in decline (2001), p. 57-58.
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