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On the authority of bishops and other questions of dogma, by the "father of the history of dogma"

PÉTAU, Denis (Dionysius PETAVIUS).
Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum libri duo, in quibus de episcoporum dignitate, ac potestate; deque aliis ecclesiasticis dogmatibus disputatur.
Paris, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1641. 8vo. With Cramoisy's engraved coupling storks device on the title-page. Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco (ca. 1700?), gilt edges. [24], 354, [8] pp.
€ 2,950
First edition of a controversial work by Denis Pétau containing the results of his historical research on the functioning of Christian clerical authorities (primarily bishops) from the time of the Church Fathers to his own time, followed by a discussion of various questions of dogma. The text contains many citations from Latin and Greek Fathers. It is divided into two "books": liber primus "qui est de episcopis, & eorum jurisdictione, ac dignitate" (pp. 1-160) discusses the very delicate subject of the authority of bishops, a major issue in the disputes between Catholics and Protestants; and liber secundus "in quo certae fidei, vel rerum ecclesiasticarum quaestiones disputantur" (pp. 161-354) discusses various other questions of dogma related to widespread heresies.
Pétau was a prodigious author and "one of the most distinguished theologians of the seventeenth century" (Catholic encyclopaedia), with works ranging over chronology, history, philosophy, patristics and the history of dogma. He is now best known for his vast, but unfinished six-volume work on dogma, the first systematic attempt to treat the development of Christian doctrine from an historical point of view.
With the foot margin of C5 (pp. 41-42) cut away, with no loss of text, otherwise in fine condition. The binding has some cracks in the hinges but is still in very good condition. De Backer & Sommervogel VI, col. 606, no. 39; Goldsmith P855; Cathedral libraries cat. P607.
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