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Rare first and only edition of the biography of one of the most powerful viceroys Portuguese-India ever had

PEREIRA DE MACEDO, Francisco de Santo Agostinho.
Vida del grande d. Lvis de Attayde, tercer Conde de Attogvia, y Virrey de la India dos vezes.
Madrid, Imprenta del Reino, 1633. 4to. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [11] ,[1 blank], 168 pp.
€ 7,500
Rare first and only edition of this biography of Don Luís de Ataide (1517-1581), who was twice the viceroy of Portuguese India (1568-1571 and 1578-1581). He is famous for defending India, especially the Malabar coast, from the Muslim alliance. It was written by the Jesuit Pereira de Macedo. Although the author's name appears as Joseph in the title, it is known that the author was in fact Francisco de Santo Agostinho Pereira de Macedo, a Jesuit writer, theologist, historian and scholar. A highly interesting biography containing a lot of information on military life in the second half of the 16th-century in Portuguese India.
With a (oxidized) owner's inscription (causing irrelevant loss) at the head of the title-page and another near contemporary manuscript note on the title-page, correcting the author's name. Binding with some spots. Some foxing throughout, partly browned, but overall in good condition. Backer-Sommervogel, 245, 9; Inocencio II, p. 322-323; Palau 145729; Salva 3486; WorldCat (10 copies in 6 centries).
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