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Journey through America in 1817, in Dutch translation

Dagverhaal eener reize in de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-America, en Neder-Canada, gedaan in 1817. Uit het Engelsch, met eene inleiding, bevattende een statistisch overzigt der Vereenigde Staten van Noord-America, volgens de beste en nieuwste berigten. Met eene nieuwe kaart.
Haarlem, heirs of François Bohn, 1820. 8vo. With large folding map of America (34.5 x 44.5 cm), engraved by D. Veelwaard after John Melish, borders and outlines in contemporary hand-colouring. Contemporary half calf. 44, 318, [4] pp.
€ 1,950
First and only edition of the Dutch translation of a journal of a journey through North America and southern Canada by John Palmer, illustrated with an engraved map of North America, hand-coloured in outline. The extensive introduction gives a short statistical survey of North America. On 28 March 1817 Palmer set sail from Liverpool bound for the United States, together with William Cobbett. He visited New York, Washington, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Quebec and more. The journal is of special interest for the contemporary prices of land and provisions, the observations on the country and the people, and the descriptions of the trade and commerce of the principal towns. "Mr. Palmer travelled through ... the greater part of the country he describes; but he confesses that the outlines of his travels were filled up from other books. A plain man of good sense and slow judgment" (Sabin).
With a note from the manager of the publishing house (heirs of François Bohn) on title-page, explicitly declaring (probably for a tax-acknowledgement) in the lower margin in brown ink that the book was printed in Bohn's own printing house at Bohn's own expense, signed: P.C. van Olpen, Haarlem, 25 October 1820. Some occasional foxing, otherwise in very good condition. Binding rubbed along the extremities, but otherwise good. Clark, Old South II, 227; Howes P49; Sabin 58362.
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