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Extremely rare works describing miracles performed in the early 17th century

NUMAN, Philip.
Historie vande mirakelen die onlancx in grooten ghetale ghebeurt zyn, door die interesse ende voor-bidden van die H. Maget Maria. Op een plaetse genoemt Scherpen-heuvel by die stadt van Sichen in Brabant.
Brussels, Rutgeert Velpius, 1606.
With: (2) IDEM. Toe-voechsele van den mirakelen gheschiedt op Scherpen-heuvel, door het aenroepen van onse Lieve Vrouwe ...
Brussels, Rutgeert Velpius, 1606.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved vignette of the Holy Virgin on the title-pages of ad 1 and ad 2, woodcut decorated initials (at least 2 series) and head-pieces. 19th-century gold-tooled half red leather and marbled paper sides, with the title lettered in gold on the spine. [1], [1 blank] [12], 257 [1]; [1], [1 blank], [14], 88, [37], 48, [1] pp.
€ 700
Two very rare collections of case-histories of the miracles wrought by Maria of Scherpenheuvel, listed by Philip Numan, secretary of the city of Brussels and of the Archbishop of Malines, and published by Rutgeert Velpius at Brussels. In the first part miracles are recorded which took place up till the year 1604. In the second part, containing the addenda, most miracles happened more recently, in the years 1603 to 1606. At the end of this part another addition is announced with case-histories which still are under examination, and this extra addition is present too, starting with a poem by Numan "Die Oversetter" instead of a title. It also has a new preface, starting with "Met desen nieuwen druck van de tweede partye oft Toevuechsel van de Mirakelen van onse L. Vrouwe op Scherpen-heuvel, lestmalen geprent inden Iaere 1606. Verthoogen wy u hier (beminde Leser) eenighe anderen mirakelen, gheschiet eensdeels naer den letsten druck, eensdeels van te voren, maar naederhant eerst betuycht ende bewaericht, ende tot noch toe niet uutghegheven)". Still, the privilege at the end is dated 1604, like in the two other parts. These miracle-books were very popular and all editions now are very rare. They were also published in French and in Spanish, and all editions described in the Bibliotheca Belgica were published by Velpius at Brussels, between 1604 and 1618. The "Toe-voechsele" seems to be unknown in our edition od 1606, and the extra addition is only found described by Simoni, but with 60 instead of our [37], 48, [1] pp.
With a manuscript owner's inscription of sister Clara on the last page of the first work: "Dese boeck is tot gebruijck van suster clare vernacke spijssele er voorme als godt belieft (?) anno 1704 diese". The binding is rubbed along the edges and hinges, browned throughout, with a minor water stain in the top margin of the last few leaves of ad 2. The last two pages of ad 2 are mounted on a later leaf. Otherwise in good condition. Ad 1: Bibl. Belg. IV, N 19; BNCI 5186; Knuttel, Ned.Bibliogr.Kerkgesch., p. 238-239; Simoni N 318; STCV 3140653 (6 copies); Ad 2: cf. Bibl. Belg. IV, N 23 ("Toe-voechsele" in ed. of 1617, but without the extra addition); BNCI 6413 ("Toe-voechsele" in ed. 1617, also without the extra addition); Knuttel, Ned.Bibliogr.Kerkgesch., p. 238-239 (idem); Simoni N 319 (extra addition), and N 321 ("Toe-voechsele" in ed. 1617); STCV 3216613 (1 copy).
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