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Account of the first Dutch circumnavigation of the globe by Olivier van Noort, 1598-1601

NOORT, Olivier van.
Journael van de wonderlijcke vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes...
Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [1663]. 4to. With a woodcut of two ships on title page; full-page woodcut, 2 engraved and 4 woodcut illustrations in the text. Further with 1 woodcut decorated initial and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman. 19th-century brown cloth, sewn on 3 recessed cords, grey endpapers. 48 pp.
€ 3,950
Rare edition of the famous account of the circumnavigation by Olivier van Noort (1559-1627) in the years 1598 to 1601. Van Noort was the fourth to circumnavigate the globe and the first Dutchman to do so. His predecessors were Magellan, Drake and Cavendish. He left Holland in 1598 with four ships and orders to attack the Spanish and Portuguese and harass them in any way possible. After many adventures Van Noort returned in 1601 with only one ship and only a few dozen of his crew. Those few had survived numerous skirmishes with the Portuguese and Spanish, and attacks by natives at Puerto Deseada and Tierra del Fuego, the former described here as "zeer groot van gestalte" (very large in stature) leading to tales of giants. They suffered from scurvy and survived on penguin meat and ostrich eggs. Van Noort's story was extremely popular and as the first Dutchman to sail round the world he was revered out of national pride, even though his voyage accomplished little.
With a 19th-century owner's name on an endleaf and an occasional word underlined. In very good condition. Cloth of backstrip gone and cloth frayed at the corners. Rare edition of an account of one of the earliest voyages around the world. Olivier van Noort, De reis om de wereld, intro. and notes by J.W. IJzerman (= Werken Linschoten ver. 27-28, 1926); Sabin 55444; STCN (5 copies); Tiele 809, p. 182; Tiele, Memoire, pp. 35-36; cf. Borba de Moraes, p. 617 (other eds.).
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