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Manual for the cultivation of mulberry trees and breeding of silkworms

NIRSO, Tomas Sabattinno.
Instrucção summaria sobre o modo de cultivar as amoreiras, e de crear os bichos da seda, offerecida ao Illmo. e Excmo. Senhor Marquez de Pombal.
Lisbon, Na Regia Officina Typografica, 1772. Small 8vo. Contemporary marbled paper boards. 96 pp.
€ 1,800
First and only edition, in Portuguese, of a manual on the cultivation of mulberry trees for the purpose breeding silkworms, in order to encourage silk production in Portugal. It was published during a period of economic reforms instituted by the Marquês de Pombal, to whom this work is dedicated, aimed at the encouragement of Portuguese manufacturers, especially of luxury goods, in order to reduce the export of capital.
Internally in very good condition, only a few small spots. Binding damaged, most of the spine gone, part of the marbled paper covering the boards torn off. Innocêncio VII, p. 375.
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