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Philosophy of science, a refutation of Spinoza

Het regt gebruik der werelt beschouwingen, ter overtuiginge van ongodisten en ongelovigen aangetoont.
Amsterdam, Joannes Pauli, 1740. Large 4to. With title printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, portrait of the author, and 28 engraved folding plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 916, [18] pp.
€ 750
The sixth corrected edition of this comprehensive argument for the existence of God based on the purposefulness of nature. Nieuwentyt wanted to convince atheists and unbelievers (notably Spinozists) of the existence of God by describing the intricacies and laws of nature. The work was pivotal in introducing the new experimental philosophy of Boyle and others into the Dutch Republic.
Spine slightly damaged, plates slightly browned and frayed. Very good copy of this interesting work. Bierens de Haan 3561; Poggendorff II, p. 289; STCN (4 copies, including 1 incomplete); cf. Vermij, "Nature in Defense of Scripture", in: Van Berkel & Vanderjagt (eds.), The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History, pp. 83-96.
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