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A critique of Dutch fortification

NEUBAUER, Christian.
Discoursus et vera architecturae militaris praxis, oder Gründliche Beschreibung, und Nützlicher Unterricht der neu inventirten fortification...
Stargard, Berger Campe, 1679. Small folio (28 x 19.5 cm). With an engraved title-page and 24 numbered engravings on 7 folding leaves. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, marbled sides. [12], 67, [1] pp.
€ 2,250
Very rare issue of the first and only edition of a treatise on fortification, written by an engineer in service of the Margrave of Brandenburg and printed in Stargard. This richly illustrated book was written as a critique on Dutch military architecture. Neubauer considered the Dutch manner of building fortifications, and particularly the work of Hendrick Ruse, the most important Dutch military architect of the first half of the 17th century, too costly and time-consuming. In the Discoursus he presents a type of architecture which he believed was more readily realized and more practical. Curiously, there are three issues of this edition, differing only in their dedications: to the city magistrates of Breslau, Danzig or, as in the present copy, Frankfurt am Main.
With the sides somewhat worn; paper browned and tears in three of the folding plates and two other plates expertly repaired; engraved title-page shaved; a fair copy. Bubke, "Der Artillerie Ingerieur- und Architectur-Kunst ergeben", in: Bremisches Jahrbuch LXXXII (2003), pp. 68-80; Jähns, pp. 1376-1377; VD17, 1:073721B (2 incomplete copies); WorldCat (14 copies of all three issues).
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Military history  >  Fortification & Military Architecture | Military History up to 1700
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