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Two pamphlets on the unity of the reformed church and against the Labadists

MULLENS, Gelasius [= Guilielmus SALDENUS].
Neerlands interest, tot vrede der kercke, en wegh-neminge van alle opkomende misverstanden in de selve.
Middelburg, Yemant Hendrickss., 1664.
(2) [SALDENUS, Guilielmus]. Den God-vrughtigen boer ... tot verdedigingh van Jan Bakhuys den ghenaamden Boer van Ebbink-hoven, en Desiderius Pacius over sijn zedigh versoek aan Juffrouw Schurman.
Utrecht, Jacob van Doeyenborgh, 1670. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. 100 pp.
€ 1,750
Two very rare pamphlets on the unity and controversies within the Dutch Protestant Church during the seventeenth century by the orthodox-Calvinist minister Guilielmus Saldenus (1627-1694). In the first pamphlet Saldenus tries to restore the peace between the Remonstrants and Contra-Remonstrants, and in the second he discusses the religious dispute in the Dutch Protestant Church concerning the person of Jean de Labadie, a 17th century French pietist. A third pamphlet bound in between is replaced by modern blank leaves. Good copies. Ad1: Knuttel 8972; ad 2: not in Knuttel; Tiele; Van der Wulp, etc.
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