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Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publications
of the future Leiden professor of medicine Jacobus Le Mort, the predecessor of Boerhaave

MORT, Jacobus le.
Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aas herald angel device on title-page.
With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.
Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils.
Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: "Le Mort opera omnia".      [14], 256, [34]; [36], 366, [62] pp.
€ 1,500
Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publications of the Leiden lecturer and future professor Jacobus Le Mort, both in their second, revised editions, both first published in 1684.
Jacob Le Mort (1650-1718), a Dutch chemist and physician, was an apothecary in Amsterdam before he moved to Leiden to set up a private laboratory where he also lectured. After many difficulties and fierce opposition, he was appointed professor of chemistry at Leiden University in 1702. He was the predecessor of the famous Boerhaave.
Slightly browned, back hinge and spine weak. BMN, I, pp. 374, 525; Hoogendoorn, Mort03.2 (Pharmacia; cf. Mort02.1: the 1684 Chymica); Lex. hervorr. Aerzte, IV, p. 289; NNBW, I, cols. 1345-1346.
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