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Queen Charlotte Sophia's copy, with 104 coloured proof plates, 104 uncoloured plates in final form, 4 additional coloured plates and an original dedicatory watercolour drawing

Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei, ... | An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus, ...
London, published and sold by the author at his house ..., [1770-]1777. 3 volumes. Imperial folio (54 x 38 cm). Richly engraved frontispiece with medallion portraits of Miller and Linnaeus at the head, 3 identical engraved title-pages, 2 series of engraved botanical plates, each series printed from the same 104 plates, but that in volume 1 in proof-states and beautifully hand-coloured, that in volumes 2 & 3 in black and white with titles and imprints, and 4 further plates, numbered I-IV, showing 178 varieties of leaves, finely hand-coloured. With a full-page allegorical dedicatory pen and watercolour drawing for Queen Charlotte of England on the end-leaf before the frontispiece of the first volume, and a professionally lettered index covering all 3 volumes, specially made for this dedication copy, at the end of volume 3. Contemporary uniform gold-tooled mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
€ 60,000
Dedication copy, with a stunning original pen and watercolour drawing in honour of Queen Charlotte of England, of the first edition of a highly esteemed illustrated book on the sexual system of Linnaeus, published in 20 parts from 1775 to 1777, with some plates issued as completed from 1770 onward. Our copy is bound in three volumes, with the volume numbers professionally lettered on the title-pages in ink. Volumes 2 and 3 contain the suite of plates in black and white plus the four hand-coloured plates showing 178 varieties of plant leaves, each plate with an engraved title and imprint. Volume 1 contains a suite of the same 104 plates in proof states with no lettering, all in a fine contemporary hand-colouring.
The present copy of this rare and impressive flower book is especially valuable for its beautiful dedicatory watercolour drawing for Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of King George III of England. Probably drawn by Miller himself, it shows Father Time and Britannia seated at the foot of an obelisk looking at the inscription "Charlotta Regina" that an angel just incised on it. A smoking incense burner sits on top of the obelisk, which two putti adorn with garlands while a herald angel blows its trumpet emitting the word "extendo". The whole is veiled in thick clouds and below it appears the winged decorated royal device bearing the legend "honi soit qui mal y pense".
Water stain in upper outside corner of one plate and one text leaf in volume 3, and 2 of the plates of leaf varieties foxed, but generally in fine condition. The ink of the uncoloured plates has sometimes caused a shadow on the facing text page. The spine, joints and board edges have been expertly restored, with the loss of much of the gold-tooling on the spine of volume 1. Blunt, p. 150; Dunthorne 206; Henrey 1153; GFB, p. 68; Nissen, BBI 1372; Plesch, p. 336; Pritzel 6523; Soulsby 667.
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