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The Hague illustrated edition of the ‘ad usum Delphini edition’ of Virgil by Charles de la Rue

MARO, Publius Virgilius.
Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini. Editio nova, auctior et emendatior ... Iuxta editionem noovissimam Parisiensem A. 1722.
The Hague, brothers Vaillant & N. Prevost, 1723. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title, woodcut initials, an engraved folding map of the eastern part of the Mediterranean showing the route of Aeneas on his way home and 8 full-page engravings. XXIV, 637, 223 pp.
€ 375
One of the Dutch editions of the Ad usum Delphini edition of one of the greatest poets of Roman antiquity Publius Virgilius Maro (70-19 BC), which was collected and edited by Charles de la Rue and originally published in 1682 in Paris with Simon Benard. Charles de La Rue (1643-1725), known in Latin as Carolus Ruaeus, was one of the great orators of the Society of Jesus in France in the seventeenth century. He was professor of the humanities and rhetoric and apart from editing the Ad usum Dephini edition of Virgil, he wrote several tragedies and several Latin poems. The Delphin Classics were dedicated to and meant for Louis, le Grand Dauphin de France (1661-1711). The famous series was the work of a number of classical scholars and was edited by Pierre-Daniel Huet who was working with Jacques Bousset, tutor to the Dauphin. Our illustrated edition is after the new augmented edition of De la Rue published by the Barbou brothers in Paris in 1722.
Ownership's inscription of G. van den Bosch dated 1826 on the first free endpaper. Binding slightly dust-soiled, bookblock slightly loose from the binding, but overall in good condition. Brunet, V, vol. 1290; Sandys, II, pp. 292-293.
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