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History of Reims, from the library of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI

Metropolis Remensis historia, a Frodoardo primum arctius digesta, nunc demum aliunde accersitis plurimum aucta, et illustrata, et ad nostrum hoc saeculum fideliter deducta. Tomus I; [Title of vol. 2:] Metropolis Remensis historia. Sive supplementum Frodoardi, ab anno CMLXX. Ad nostram aetatem fideliter et accurate productum.
Lille, Nicolas de Rache, 1666 (vol. 1) & Reims, Protasius Lelorain, 1679 (vol. 2). 2 volumes. Folio. With woodcut vignettes on the title-pages, vol. 1 with one full-page engraving of the facade of the Cathedral of Rheims and 6 half-page engravings by J. Dassonneville, and with woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Vol. 1: gold-tooled calf (dated "1740"), each board with the coat-of-arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740), in the centre, and the front board dated "1740", gold-tooled spine, gilt edges; vol. 2: contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with two red morocco labels lettered in gold. [14], 668, [16]; [8], 1-754, [2], 755-858, [2], 867-886, [28] pp.
€ 5,000
First edition of an extensive history of Reims by Guillaume Marlot, prior of St. Nicaise of Reims. With leaves inserted in vol. II (between pp. 754 & 755, and between 858 & 867) updating the list of bishops with additions to the year 1714, printed in Rheims, 27 June 1714 by Charuel (from his Armorial général de la France?). Antoine Dezallier in Paris re-issued the present Lille/Reims edition in 1680. The 3 half-page engravings, two of Roman reliefs and one with the archbishop of Reims receiving his bishops, are signed by Jacques Dassonville (or Dassonneville; 1619-1670), a French or Flemish painter and etcher.
Vol. 1 is in fact a greatly enlarged edition of the historical works of Flodoardus Remensis (894-966), also known as Flodoard of Rheims, or Frodoard of Rheims, especially his Historia Remensis ecclesiae; vol. 2 is Marlots continuation from 970 to his own times.
Interesting provenance:
Vol. 1: with the gilt coat-of-arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740), King of Bohemia (as Karel II.) and Hungary-Croatia (as Károly III.) from 1711 to 1740. From 1703 to 1711 he was an active claimant to the throne of Spain as Charles III. After his older brother the Emperor Joseph I died suddenly in 1711, Charles returned to Vienna. He succeeded immediately as King of Hungary-Croatia and King of Bohemia. Later that year he was elected Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt.
Apart from this royal provenance there is an erased ownership's entry on the half-title from 1785 and a bookplate of Dr. Aubert, Paris.
Vol. 2 has two ownership's entries: one on the title-page: 'Lespagnol de Vilette' and a presentation inscription the first fly-leaf to "Mr. Henry Lespagnol, le 8 Janvier 1804".
Binding of vol. 1 repaired at the hinges and corners. Binding of vol 2 slightly worn. Otherwise in good condition. Cioranescu II, 45985; Brunet III, 1438 ('ouvrage peu commun, et qui renferme des documents curieux'; he mentions a copy in the Lancelot cat. (n. 392) also containing the 1714 additions); Thieme-Becker 8, p. 416; Jadart, H., Dom Guillaume Marlot, historien de Reims 1596-1667, sa famille, sa vie et ses oeuvres, son monument à Saint-Remi de Reims (Reims,1892).
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