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An account of Japan during the late Tokugawa Shogunate

LINDAU, Rudolf.
Japan. Eene reisbeschrijving.
Leiden, De Breuk & Smits, 1865. 8vo. With lithographed title-page including a tinted lithographic view of a Japanese house and 6 people, after a photograph (protected by a tissue guard, tipped in). Original publisher's letterpress-printed boards. VII, [1 blank], 264 pp. plus lithographed title-page.
€ 4,950
Rare first and only Dutch edition of Lindau's description of Japan. Lindau discusses Nagasaki (including Dejima), Manchuria, Edo and Yokohama, with extensive remarks on Japanese politics and culture, including a detailed account of a sumo wrestling match. Writing during the so-called "Bakumatsu" (the late Tokugawa Shogunate), the author devotes three chapters to the Japanese political associations and networks after Commodore Matthew Perry signed the 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa, which would eventually lead to the Meiji Restoration.
The tinted lithograph of a house on the title-page explicitly states that is was made after a photograph. A Nagasaki merchant imported a daguerreotype camera to Japan in 1848, but it was only in the 1850s that westerners began making photographs in Japan and most of the early ones are lost. The present lithograph therefore gives us some visual record of one of the earliest photographs.
Owner's stamp on title-page. With occasional minor and mostly marginal foxing, but still in good condition and untrimmed. Spine reinforced with brown paper, boards slightly foxed and worn, later endpapers. Hesselink, 333 years of Dutch publications on Japan V-B 118; NCC (8 copies); WorldCat (4 copies); cf. Cordier, Japonica, cols. 554-555.
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