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Ghosts, phantoms and voices of the dead

LAVATER, Ludwig.
De spectris, lemuribus et magnis atque insolitis fragoribus, variisque praesagitionibus quae plerunque obitum hominum, magnas clades, mutationésque imporium praecedunt.
Geneva, Eustache Vignon, 1575. 8vo. Early 20th-century vellum. [6], 272 pp.
€ 1,950
Second edition of the Latin translation of a work on ghosts, phantoms and apparitions of people who have passed away, written by the Swiss theologian Ludwig Lavater (1527-1586). Besides ghosts, it deals with strange sounds, voices, inexplicable events and peculiar accidents occurring after someones death. Lavater denies that souls or ghosts of the dead could appear. If someone does see these apparitions, he should be aware that they aren't the souls of the deceased, but the work of demons. "As a Protestant, Lavater rejected the idea of Purgatory... as an outdated Catholic concept. This greatly complicated the idea of 'ghosts', often thought to be visitations by human souls that were not at rest, such as those who died unbaptized or in tragic or violent circumstances. Without Purgatory, ghosts could only be visitations from Heaven or Hell. Lavater felt they were more likely to have come from Hell, and this meant that many ghosts were demonic and their requests dangerous: they could be trying to lure humans into damnation, for example by persuading them to commit murder or suicide" (British Library).
Minor water stain in the head and foot margins of the last 40 leaves and in the head margins of the first 15 leaves, otherwise a very good copy. Adams L300; Caillet 6237; Dorbon 2509 ("très rare"); cf. "Of ghosts and spirits walking by night by Ludwig Lavater, 1572" at: British Library online.
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