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Rare publication by the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute containing 24 charts of the currents
in the Gulf of Guinea and around the equator

De Guinea en Equatoriaal stroomen voor iedere maand afzonderlijk bewerkt volgens de gegevens van 2900 journalen, gehouden aan boord van Nederlandsche schepen.
Utrecht, printed by stoom-, boek- en steendrukkerij "De Industrie", J. van Druten for the KNMI, 1895. Folio (58 x 36,5 cm). With 24 double-page charts of the currents in the Gulf of Guinea off the West-African coast, 2 charts for each month, printed in blue, black and red. Half buckram and marbled paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. and 24 double page charts.
€ 1,950
First and only edition of this collection of 24 charts of the monthly currents in the Gulf of Guinea and around the equator, off the coast of West-Africa. There are 2 charts for every month. The first of the two contains observations of the currents for every square degree, with a distinction between the Guinea-current (which principal direction is east, printed in black) and the Equatorial-current (which principal direction is west, printed in red), and tables containing relevant information on, for example, the wind and temparature of the seawater. The second chart actually contains four smaller charts that are more detailed and show the currents under the influence of wind and other variables. The 24 charts are prefaced by a short introduction by P.F. Heerdt and a three page detailed explanation of the charts and their functions. All text is printed in Dutch and in French, any text in the charts themselves are only in Dutch.
The Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute was founded Utrecht in 1854 by meteorologist Christophorus H.D. Buys Ballot (1817-1890). The institute moved in 1897 to De Bilt, just outside of the city of Utrecht, where it is still located today. Since 1849, a total of 234 works on weather, currents, and general meteorological and climate subjects have been published by the founder of the KNMI until 1854 and from then on by the institute itself, the present work is number 78 in that series. WorldCat (8 copies). cf. NNBW 9, pp. 348-349.
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