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The education of a prince

Väterliche Instruction an seine Kinder, nummehr zum dritten mahl auffgeleget,...
Berlin, Johann Michael Rüdiger, 1704. With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by I.W. Heckemaur, title-page printed in red and black, full-page engraved portrait of the author, and woodcut vignette on separate title for the genealogy of the House of Kolbe von Wartenberg.
With: (2) WAGENSEIL, Johann Christoph. Erziehung eines jungen Prinzen, der vor allen studieren einen Abscheu hat, dass er dennoch gelehrt und geschickt werde. Leipzig, Johann Heinichens Wittwe, 1705. With title-page printed in red and black and fine engraved headpiece to the text. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [88], 296, [24] pp.
€ 2,250
Two interesting German educational works, together in a contemporary binding.
The first is the third edition of fatherly instructions to his children by the German nobleman Johann Casimir Kolbe von Wartenberg (1584-1661), originally written in 1650 and first published posthumously in 1674. Johann Michael Rüdiger added the valuable preface for the 1696 Cologne edition, dedicated to the 8 year old prince, later King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia. The present edition includes all original prefaces and a new one, and adds a genealogy of the House of Kolbe von Wartenberg by Georg Helwich.
The second work is the first edition of a complete educational course for a young prince by the German historian Johann Christoph Wagenseil (1633-1705), published in the year of his death. Between descriptions of his reception at the Imperial Court at Vienna by Leopold I, to whom the book is dedicated, the author covers reading, writing, arithmetic, languages, religion, ethics, history, geography, technique and arts, as well as hunting, riding, fencing, building fortifications, fighting wars, etc. With old owner's inscription of J.C. Sommer on both title-pages. Binding slightly soiled; old ink annotations on first blank and some underscoring in text. Very good copies. Ad 1: Wegehaupt 1186; not in Heltzel, Courtesy Books in the Newberry Library; ad 2: not in Wegehaupt.
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