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90 apples & pears and 24 fruit & nut trees in 39 handcoloured plates

KNOOP, Johann Hermann.
Beschrijving en afbeelding van de beste soorten van appelen en peeren, ...
Amsterdam and Dordrecht, Allart, Holtrop, De Leeuw, and Krap, 1790. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. With 39 folding engraved plates (12 of apples & 8 of pears in the first work, showing 90 sorts; 19 of fruit and nut trees in the second work, showing 24 sorts), 4 woodcut tailpieces (plus 1 repeat) and 4 decorated woodcut initials (from 2 series). All coloured by a contemporary hand. With:
(2) KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Beschrijving van vruchtboomen en vruchten, ...
(3) KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Beschrijving van plantagie-gewassen, ...
Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 36; [4], 70, [2 blank]; [4], 87, [1 blank], [4], [2 blank] pp.
€ 2,500
Complete third Dutch edition, with the illustrations printed from the original plates, of three classic works of pomology (two illustrated), originally published in 1758 and 1763 as Pomologia, Fructologia and Dendrologia. They were also translated into French and German. The twenty plates illustrating ninety apples and pears were drawn by the author and engraved by Jan Caspar Philips (ca. 1700-1775) and Jacob Folkema (1692-1767). Those of branches of fruit and nut trees were no doubt drawn by the author as well but are unsigned. Knoop (1700-1769) was gardener to Princess Anne (mother of Willem V, Prince of Orange, and his regent from 1751 to her death in 1759) at her Marienburg estate near Leeuwarden. In this edition, the plates are printed on the outer part of whole sheets bound as folding leaves. This makes it easy to look at the plates while reading the text.
With the manuscript owner's inscription of "J.C.J. Copijn" in black ink on the title-page of ad 1 below a small mounted slip with the printed name of "H. Kistemaker". The binding shows some signs of wear, the edges of the leaves are slightly frayed, the typographical leaves are slightly browned. Otherwise in good condition. Arnold arboretum I, p. 392; Landwehr, Coloured plates 89, 93; Nissen, BBI 1077, 1078; Pritzel 4754; STCN 297495623 (Ad 1, 9 copies); STCN 297498169 (Ad 2, 8 copies); 297498584 (Ad 3, 8 copies); cf. Hunt 620 (other eds.); Oak Spring Pomona 48 (1758 & 1763 eds.).
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