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Descriptions of entomological specimens from Brazil

KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich.
Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1821]. With 3 hand-coloured engraved plates, by Franz after S. Weber.
With: (2) KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen alterum, sistens insectorum coleopterorum nondum descriptorum centuriam.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1825]. With 5 hand-coloured engraved plates by S. Weber. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern boards. 277-324; 419-476 pp.
€ 1,750
Both parts of a description of entomological specimens from Brazil by the German entomologist Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug (1775-1856). It includes descriptions and illustrations of specimens collected by Grigory Langsdorff, Johann Centurius Hoffmannsegg, Ignaz von Olfers and others. The parts were published in volumes 10 and 12 of Nova acta physico-medica Academia..., the journal of the Academia Leopoldina in Schweinfurt.
Untrimmed, first part a bit foxed and plates lightly browned. Good copy. Horn & Schenkling 11967 & 11970; Nissen, ZBI 2214; not in Borba de Moraes.
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