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Rare work explaining the Dutch Reformed Church's view of the Lord's mercy

KEESSEL, Dionysius van der.
De vastgestelde leer en praktyk, van Neerlands kerk omtrent byzondere, algenoegzame en kragtdadige genade in Christus, gezuiverd van het misbruik derzelve. Waar by gevoegt zijn de Dordse leer-regelen...
(2) IDEM. De vastgestelde leer en praktyk ... tweede deel.
(3) IDEM. De vastgestelde leer en praktyk ... derde deel.
Deventer, Abraham van Wezel, 1749-1750. 3 parts (and part 2 in 2 sections) in 1 volume. 8vo. With several woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces Contemporary vellum, sewn on 6 supports, manuscript title on spine. [32], 866, [2] pp.
€ 750
Very rare and complete copy of this theological work by Dionysius van der Keessel (1700-1755), who was a minister of the Reformed Church at Deventer. This work deals with the the Lord's mercy and other principles regarding the Dutch reformed branch of christianity and includes rules and other extracts from the Synod in Dordrecht (1618-1619). It is dedicated to Willem IV, Prince of Oranje-Nassau (1711-1751), who was the first hereditary stadtholder of all the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 1747 until his death.
With an owner's inscription in black ink on the recto of the first flyleaf: "A Bram Zeddeman[?] Geboren te Voorschoten in jaar 1868 W D H verhagen Geboren te Rotterdam Den 26 jan 1874". Very slight browning throughout, binding slightly soiled. Otherwise in good condition. STCN 146227794 (3 copies); WorldCat (4 copies - 3 the same as STCN plus 1 at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek); not in Van der Haar, Schatkamer van de gereformeerde theologie.
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Religion & devotion  >  Protestant Reformation
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