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Practical illustrated 19th-century animal hunting guide on animal traps, hunting with dogs and shotguns

JOURDAIN, François Xavier Félix.
Traité général des chasses a courre et a tir; contenant des principes sûrs pour la propagation du gibier, et la destruction des animaux nuisibles; ...et enfin l'histoire naturelle des animaux qui se trouvent en France, et la manière de les chasser; suivi d'un vocabulaire explicatif des termes usités par les chasseurs, et des nouvelles fanfares que l'on sonne en chasse.Paris, Audot, 1822.
With: (2) [M. KRESZ]. Traité des chasses aux pièges. Supplément au traité général de toutes les chasses. Contenant. La description de tous les pièges, et la manière de prendre les lièvres et lapins, et les diverses espèces d'oiseaux qui se trouvent en France.Paris, Audot, 1822. 2 works, each in 2 volumes. 8vo. Ad 1 with 20 engravings and 16 aquatints (1 folding) by Susemihl, showing shotguns, sporting dogs and hunting scenes with the dogs, and 12 engraved pages at the end of vol. 1 containing the music for "33" [= 32] short calls, fanfares and other tunes associated with the hunt. Ad 2 with 58 engravings and 2 aquatints by Susemihl, showing several animal traps and birds. Both works bound in contemporary half calf. [4], XIV, 311; [3]; [4], 24, 323, [3]; VII, [1], 192; [4], 24, 175, [1 blank] pp.
€ 4,250
First edition of two extensive French manuals on shooting, coursing and animal traps with attractive hunting illustrations, published at the beginning of the 19th century. The first work by François Xavier Félix Jourdain tells everything the hunter needs to know. He gives information about training sporting dogs, and elaborates on when and where guns are needed, which un one should choose in various circumstances and how it should be used. He also describes the habits of wild animals, including the usual periods of their migrations.
Kresz presents the second work as a supplement to Jourdain, but it proved popular in its own right and is now a famous work on traps as well as indispensable supplement to the Traité général des chasses. It describes all kinds of traps and how they can be used to catch birds, hares and rabbits alive. The plates show these several kinds of animal traps. The second volume of each work includes a 24-page catalogue of Audots publications, dated May and December 1822 respectively.
With some pencilled braces in the margin to mark certain passages in the text. With the bookplate "Constanter" on the front pastedowns and the library stamp of Tilhører Grevskabet Christiansholm on the half-titles of all volumes. Bindings slightly worn around the edges, some minor foxing, both otherwise a complete set in good condition. Bibl. Jeanson I, 301; Schwerdt I, p. 273 & p. 287-288; Souhart 690; Thiébaud pp. 522 & 533-534.
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