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Rare 1534 edition of a classic on palm-reading & physiognomy, with the woodcuts of the first edition

Chiromantia 1 Physiognomia, ex aspectu membrorum hominis. 2 Periaxiomata, de faciebus signorum. 3 Canones astrologici, de judiciis aegritudinum. 4 Astrologia naturalis. 5 Complexionum noticia, juxta dominium planetarium.
(Colophon: Strasbourg, Johann Schott, 1534). Folio (31 x 21.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author on the title-page, the author's full-page woodcut coat-of-arms on the recto of the otherwise blank last leaf, about 93 woodblock illustrations (including 3 hand blocks and a few square astrological diagram blocks used repeatedly with varying content). 20th-century half maroon goatskin morocco. 126, [1], [1 blank] pp.
€ 9,500
Rare third edition in the original Latin, printed with the woodblocks of the first (1522) edition by the same publisher, of a classic account of palm reading, physiognomy (determining personality from facial features and the shape of the head) and several aspects of astrology, including horoscopes and the effect of the sun, moon and planets on health and on the temperaments associated with the four humours. The text is divided into six "libri", but the first is unnumbered on the title-page so that it numbers the others 1-5. The woodcuts (including the author's portrait and coat-of-arms) were executed for the first edition and some have been attributed to Hans Baldung Grien and Hans Wechtlin. They include six fantastic chariots carrying male and female figures representing the moon and the five planets pulled by a variety of birds, a basilisk or cockatrice, wolves and a pair of women, with zodiac signs on the wheels. While Ratdolt had published woodcuts of the sun, moon and planets riding chariots in 1491, the present woodcuts are much more sophisticated and probably inspired the ca. 1568 engraved series by Maarten van Heemskerck (New Hollstein 546-552).
Johannes Indagine von Hagen (also sometimes recorded as Rosenbach) (ca. 1460?-1537) was a priest at Steinheim am Main, near Hanau, from 1488 to his death, though he also held positions at nearby Frankfurt. Though sympathetic toward the Reformation, he disputed accusations of Luthernaism. Pope Paul IV placed his present work on the index of prohibited books in 1559.
With a water stain in the upper outside corner throughout and a corner torn off the final leaf (not approaching the woodcut arms), but otherwise in very good condition. Binding also very good. Thorndike V, pp. 65-66; USTC 621014 (5 copies); VD16, R3110 (6 copies); cf. MacPhail/Mellon, Alchemy and the occult 9 (1523 German ed.).
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