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Rare Latin treatise on the Greek Bacchanals

Peripatheticus orgiorum ethnico-pontificius. Justè castigatus, justius profligatus, justissimè condemnatus. Hoc est, brevis dissertatiuncula De Bachanaliorum nomine, origine, progressu, placentis, larvis, excusationibus, exemplis, poenis, ludis, choreis, symposiis, ludibriis, &c.
Nuremberg, Simon Halbmayer, [1626]. 12mo.19th-century red half morocco, marbled paper sides. 132 pp.
€ 550
Rare Latin treatise on the Greek Bacchanals with extensive source references. At some points a German translation of a word or sentence is included. At the end is added: "Dissertatiunculae Mantissa. Tentamen-juvenile este quod Autor In Principali-Salana A.D. M.D.C.I. Sub Decanatu D. Petri Piscatoris.. Sub censura D. Thomae Sagittarii", on Bacchus in verse.
In good condition, occasionally foxed and slightly cut short at outer margin. BMC 704 b 20 (1); VD 17, 14053903H.
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