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Important collection of Jesuit letters and other texts from and about Japan,
Korea, China, India, Peru, Mexico and the Philippines

HAY, John.
De rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Peruanis epistolae recentiores.
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius II, 1605. 8vo. With Nutius's woodcut device on title-page and a small woodcut illustration in the text. Contemporary vellum. 968, [50] pp.
€ 6,500
First edition, in Latin, of a very important collection of about 55 letters and other documents written between 1577 and 1601, the largest part concerning Jesuit activities in Japan, with a smaller but substantial part devoted to Korea, several concerning China and India and single items concerning the missions in Peru, Mexico and the Philippines. It was compiled by John Hay (1546-1607), who translated some of the items himself and added prefaces to some.
Included are some rare accounts written by Japanese Christians, such as Michael Chijiwa Seizayemon, Sanico Nobuaki, Protasius, the Daimyo of Omura, the Daimyo of Arima and others. There are several accounts by the Jesuit missionary Luís Frois, including an extensive letter on Japan and a letter from Nagasaki. Also included is a short general history of Japan. The letters and reports give a general overview of Jesuit mission activities, especially in the 1590s.
With ownership stamps on the back of the title-page and the first back endpaper. Binding soiled but still good.
Browned throughout, especially the title page, and somewhat soiled in the margins. Endpapers at the back with a large water stain and some holes. Lacking 3S4 (blank) and 3T1-3T2, the latter two present in facsimile. A fair copy. Cordier, Japonica, cols. 246-248; Palau 112581; Sabin 31016.
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