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3 militaria: on understanding the "human heart" of soldiers and on battles in the West Indies

GRASSE-TILLY, Francois Joseph Paul de.
Memorie van den Graave de Grasse, betreffende de actien in de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
[Amsterdam?, 1782]. With 8 large folding engraved nautical nautical charts.
(2) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte schets over de noodzaaklykheid van de kennisse van het menschlyk hart voor een chef.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791.
(3) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte verklaringe van verscheidene actiën tusschen de Engelsche en Fransche vlooten, geduurende den laatsten oorlog. In de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791. With 21 folding engraved plates including nautical charts showing the French and English fleets near Grenada, Basseterre, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Santo Domingo on Hispaniola. 3 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 23.5 cm). Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. 55, [1 blank]; 27; [8], 25, [1], 5 pp.
€ 5,950
Three first editions of works on naval tactics and accounts of battles between the English and French fleets in the West Indies, written (2 & 3) or translated (1) by Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735-1819), the famous Dutch admiral.
Ad 1: An account of the British Admiral George Rodney's defeat of the French at the Battle of the Saintes in the West Indies in 1782, written by Count F.J.P. de Grasse-Tilly (1722-1788), the commander of the French fleet (who was imprisoned by Rodney), with extensive descriptions of naval tactics.
Ad 2: An unusually early discussion of military psychology, namely an argument that a naval officer needs to understand the ''human heart'' of his soldiers.
Ad 3: An account of the naval battles and tactics of the French and English fleets in the West Indies.
Sloos describes a "large paper copy". If copies were produced on large and small paper the present copy must also be on large paper, for it has margins of about 8 cm at the fore-edge and foot.
With a hole restored in first title-page, an occasional small marginal tear or water stain in the folding maps, and toward the end a few marginal browned patches, but otherwise in very good condition. Binding scuffed and the hinges of the binding have been reinforced. Most of the tooling remains clear. Cat NHSM, pp. 925-926; Sloos, Warfare 09118 bis, 09163, 09169; cf. Sabin 28333 (French ed. of ad 1).
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