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Attack and defence according to Vauban's chief miner

GOULON, Charles.
Memoires pour l'attaque et la défense d'une place... Nouvelle édition, corrigée & augmentée...
- VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de. Journal du siege de la ville d'Ath.
- VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de. Le directeur général des fortifications, ou mémoires de monsieur de Vauban, concernant les fonctions des différens officiers employés dans les fortifications.
- LOUIS, Grand Dauphin. Relation du siége de Philisbourg, en 1688.
- [ANONYMOUS FRENCHMAN]. Relation de la défense de Landaw, en 1704.
Amsterdam and Leipzig, Arkstee and Merkus; Paris, sold by Jombert, 1764. 8vo. With 9 folding engraved plates of cities and fortifications. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine with yellow morocco title-label, red edges, paste paper endpapers. XXIV, 344 pp.
€ 1,250
Very rare fourth(?) edition of a collection of treatises on fortification and siege craft, especially related to military mining, first published together in 1730. The main part consists of a treatise written by the Huguenot Charles Goulon (1645-1705). He had been one of Vauban's most talented officers and the chief of his miners. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he joined the Dutch army and subsequently, in 1693, the Imperial army. Goulon considered attack and defence as inseparable and in his treatise all examples are presented from the viewpoints of both the attacker and the defender. As a pupil of Vauban and a veteran of the Siege of Candia, the longest siege in history, Goulon was considered an authority by his contemporaries. Among the other treatises are two ascribed to Vauban. The one relating to the Siege of Ath (1697) is one of "the most important published sources" on this "epitome of Louisquatorzian siegecraft" (Ostwald).
With the binding slightly worn at the edges; some browning and spots, and with the bottom corner of p. 231 missing; in very good condition. Colson, L'art de la guerre, pp. 99-101; Jähns, pp. 1741-1743; Ostwald, Vauban under siege, pp. 21-22; Sloos, Warfare 08140; STCN (1 copy); WorldCat (2 copies, incl. 1 the same).
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