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Illustrated instructions for drawing fortification plans and perspective views, printed by the Elzeviers

GOLDMANN, Nicolaus.
La nouvelle fortification ...
Leiden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, 1645. Folio. With architectural title-page engraved by Adriaen Matham, 52 half-page engravings plus about 42 repeats in the text, and numerous letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary(?) mottled calf. Rebacked and with restorations in sheepskin. [16], 224 pp.
€ 3,500
First French edition (with the engraved title-page new for this edition) of an instruction manual for designing fortifications, with an emphasis on drawing their plans, profiles, perspective views, etc., first published in Latin (also by the Elzeviers) in 1643 using the same illustration plates. Most of the illustrations show fortification plans, profiles, elevations, etc., including many details, but they also include plain and solid geometrical diagrams, drafting instruments, bridges and military buildings. Many of the plans include a scale. The book, dedicated to the Dutch Stadtholder and Prince of Orange Frederick Hendrick, shows the Leiden Elzeviers at their high point, with stunning woodcut decorations and initials, and good presswork. Nicolaus Goldman (1611-1665) was born in Breslau but studied in Leiden and settled there permanently, teaching military engineering.
With the late 19th-century bookplate of Château de Rosny-sur-Seine, near Paris. Part of the Rosny library was sold in 1837, but the present book was not. With small worm holes in 5 leaves, some occasional minor foxing or a minor marginal tear or stain, but otherwise in very good condition. The binding has been rebacked and patched, probably at an early date. An instruction manual for drawing fortification plans and perspective views, and a nice example of the Elzeviers' book production. Berlin Kat. 3527; Jordan 1469 (6 copies); Sloos, Warfare 8026; STCN (6 copies).
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Military history  >  Fortification & Military Architecture | Military History up to 1700
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