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Very rare Mallorca imprint

GARCIA, Diego S.J.
Sermon funebre en las exequias de la serenissima Señora D. Mariana de Austria Reyna Madre del Rey N. Señor Carlos II. Rey de las Españas. Que celebrò la nobilissima, y fidelissima ciudad de Mallorca en su Iglesia Catadral á 28. de Noviembre de 1696.
Palma de Mallorca, Miguel Capo, 1697. 4to. With the title in an ornamental frame built up from typographic ornaments (a fleur-de-lis and Vervliet vine leaf 207), three woodcut initials and a woodcut tailpiece. Modern marbled boards. [12], 26 pp.
€ 1,950
Very rare Mallorca imprint giving the text of a memorial sermon delivered at the Palma Cathedral in Mallorca by the Jesuit Diego Garcia (1655-1723), in praise of Mariana de Austria (1634-1696), widow of Philip IV (1605-1665) and mother of Charles II of Spain (1661-1700).
Minor thumbing on the title-page. Otherwise in very good condition. De Backer & Sommervogel III, col. 1202, no. 2; Palau 97824 (erroneously calling for 96 pp); not in WorldCat, KVK.
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