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Best edition of a classic Arabic grammar, with fables, proverbs and quotations

Grammatica Arabica; cum varia praxios materia, cujus elenchum versa dabit pagella.
Leiden, Johannes Maire, 1656. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Mid 19th-century half tan calf, gold- and blind-tooled spine. [12], 172, “282” [= 284] pp.
€ 3,500
Third edition, expanded and edited by Jacobus Golius, of Erpenius's classic Arabic grammar. The present edition is augmented with an Arabic chrestomathy that Fabricius had published in 1638.
Erpenius (1584-1624) revolutionized Arabic scholarship in Europe and made the Netherlands the most important European centre of Arabic studies before he died of the plague in 1624. His grammar remained the standard work in the field for two centuries.
With the owner's inscription on a free endleaf, and a meticulously lettered note on p. 42 of the Lockman fabels. Some small defects, but otherwise in very good condition, with only a small marginal tear repaired and an occasional minor and mostly marginal spot or stain. Binding with a restoration at the head and foot of the spine but otherwise good, with slight wear at the hinges and extremities. The best edition of a classic Arabic grammar. Schnurrer 81 & 220; Smitskamp, Philologia orientalis 72; STCN (7 copies).
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