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Hand-coloured Dutch edition of "Cattle, their breeds, management, and diseases"

ENKLAAR, Evert Cornelis.
Engelsche rundveerassen. Naar het werk van Dr. Youat. Met 32 figuren.
Zwolle, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, 1852. With 32 charming handcoloured illustrations of British cattle breeds on 9 folding lithographed plates by L.J. Tordoir in Zwolle. Contemporary half calf with gold-tooled spine. [8], 342, [2] pp.
€ 1,500
First and only Dutch translation of Cattle, their breeds, management, and diseases (London, 1834) by the English veterinary surgeon William Youatt (1776-1847). The lithographic illustrations in the present Dutch translation are after the original uncoloured English engravings, but in the present copy they are carefully hand-coloured.
The translator, Evert Cornelis Enklaar (1799-1880), was an authority on Dutch agriculture in his time. He was the author of the influential Dutch agricultural manual Handboek voor den beoefenaar van den landbouw (1854) and many other works on the same subject. The present cattle book is very rare, the NCC only names 3 Dutch libraries with a copy.
Folded plates slightly frayed at the margins that stick out of the bookblock. Binding slightly rubbed; NCC (3 copies); not in Nissen ZBI; not in Cat. Natura Artis Magistra.
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