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Naval poems and songs from the Franco-Dutch War

COOPMAN, Ocke Jeyes.
Zee-clio, of gedichten in 's lants vloot gemaeckt in de jaren 1672, en 1673.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, [ca. 1673]. 4to. With the woodcut device of the Amsterdam admiralty on title-page (Dutch garden guarded by a lion holding two anchors), 3 woodcut decorated initials (1 series). Modern half calf, marbled sides. 62, [2] pp.
€ 1,500
First and only edition of a collection of verse poems and songs about Dutch naval heroes and battles from the first years of the Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678) written by Ocke Jeyes Coopman. It includes poems about Willem Joseph van Ghent, Isaac Sweers, Volckert Schram, Cornelis Tromp, the Battles of Schooneveld (7 and 14 June 1673), the Battle of Kijkduin (21 August 1673) etc. It also contains less serious poems and songs such as "Matroosen drinck-liedt op de gesontheyt van Sijn Hoogheydt den Heere Prince van Oranje" (Sailors' drinking song to the health of His Highness the Prince of Orange).
Title-page slightly soiled, otherwise in very good condition and nearly untrimmed. Cat. NHSM, p. 425; Knuttel 10819; Scheurleer, Liedboeken, p.180; Thysius 9447; Tiele, Pamfletten 6838.
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Literature & linguistics  >  Dutch Literature | Emblem, Fable & Songbooks
Maritime history  >  Naval History
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