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A collection of articles on Spanish medical history

Curiosidades médicas precedidas de un discurso sobre el florecimiento de la medicina Española en el siglo XVI y su posterior decadencia.
Madrid, Manuel Ginés Hernández, 1886. 8vo. With 3 lithographed plates (2 folding), reproducing manuscript letters. Modern dark purple half sheepskin, with the original printed front wrapper bound in. 285, [2], [1 blank] pp.
€ 400
First and only edition of a collection of articles on Spanish medical history by the physician and historian of medicine Luís Comenge y Ferrer (1854-1916). The work opens with an article on the flowering of Spanish medicine in the 16th century and its subsequent decline, followed by articles on the works of Antonio Hernández Morejón and Anastasio Chinchilla, Pedro Bayro, Luis de Lemus, Amato Lusitano, medical manuscripts, inoculation and Francisco López de Villalobos and ending with some bibliographical notes.
Printed on cheap, thin paper, slightly browned and with a few tears, including in the two folding plates; a good copy. Bibliographia medica Hispanica V, 1335; CCPB 000163227-2; for the author: Manuel Díaz-Rubio García, "Luis Comenge y Ferrer" in: Diccionario biográfico español (online).
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