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Greek and Latin texts of fables of Aesop, Gabrius and others, together with a collection of texts on fables

Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae Graee & Latine, Cum aliis opusculis, quorum Index proxima refertur pagella. Denuo, & quam correctissime in lucem editae.
Venice, Jo. Baptistam Combus, 1619. 12mo. Woodcut printers device on title-page and 92 woodcuts in text. Contemporary vellum. 450, [4] pp., lacking the last blank.
€ 1,250
One of the many school editions of the fables of Aesop with the same title (at least 8 between 1524 and 1589, some printed in Basel by Froben, others in Venice), with parallel Greek and Latin text printed on facing pages.
A few leaves cut short, at two or three places affecting the text, upper corner of title-page restored. Otherwise in good condition. Not in Bodemann; Fabula docet.
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Literature & linguistics  >  Emblem, Fable & Songbooks
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