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False Zwolle imprint presenting factional disputes in Deventer

[WIJLICK, Joan van?].
Den oprechten onvervalsten Deventersen waersegger. Vertoont in een t samen-spraek tusschen twee burgeren der stadt Deventer, namentlick: Jan Capelle, en Pont-Keersen Arent.
Zwolle [or Amsterdam?], printed by "Anthony Korf-Uyle in de Rouserijck, naest 't Over-ysselsche Uylen-Nest" [Israël de Paull?], 1673. 4to. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page (triangular, with fruits and flowers). 19th-century decorated wrappers. 24 pp.
€ 275
Pamphlet presenting a fictitious dialogue concerning the party conflicts in Deventer. After the "rampjaar" (year of disaster) 1672, when enemy forces invaded the Dutch Republic, civic opposition known as the "Zwolle faction" arose against the Deventer city council on the grounds that Deventer had been the first city in Overijssel to surrender to the French troops. In the fictional dialogue, Arent portrays the French as devils who cannot be trusted, implying that the Deventer officials were foolish to give up the fight and accept their terms, while Capelle thinks people judge the Deventer officials too harshly. They discuss the matter amicably and Arent seems to convince Capelle to move closer to his view, though the dialogue presents arguments on both sides.
Doorninck cites both the present 24-page edition and a 46-page edition, but the STCN records only the 24-page edition and the libraries listed for the 46-page edition in WorldCat seem to have only the 24-page version.
Some staining and browning, but overall in good condition. Van Doorninck 4147 (II, p. 4); Knuttel 10681; STCN (8 copies); Tiele 6588; for the imprint: G. T. Hartong, "Overijsselse boekdrukkers en boekverkopers in de zeventiende eeuw", Overijsselse historische bijdragen, 103 (1988) pp. 60-83, at p. 72.
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