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Auction catalogue of an impressive book collection

[WATER, Jona Willem te].
Bibliotheca te Waterana, sive catalogus librorum selectorum, ... Que omnia per septuaginta circiter annos collegit vir celeberrimus Jona Guilielmus te Water, ...
Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1823. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Later dark red half cloth. [10], 408; [2], 128 pp.
€ 750
First editions of the two auction catalogues of the library of the Dutch theologian and historian Jona Willem te Water (1740-1822), professor at Leiden University from 1785 to 1815. Te Water's collection was auctioned by his heirs and could be viewed at the deceased's house from 9 to 11 October 1823. The first catalogue covers Te Water's book collection, in four sections according to by format (folio, quarto, octavo and duodecimo), with a fifth section for Te Water's own publications. The second catalogue includes autographs, manuscripts, coins and medals, portraits, maps, bookcases, paintings and other items. With a list of thirty items omitted from the sale. The sale took place piecemeal from 13 to 30 October. The title-page notes that tickets for viewing had to be bought one day in advance. Included are the conditions of sale, a time table and an index.
With several tax stamps in the lower corners of the pages throughout. Last two pages restored at the gutter, first title-page slightly creased and a stain on pages 123-124 of the second catalogue. Otherwise in very good condition. NNBW IV 1440; Vandenhole 854.
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Auction Catalogues & Bookselling
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