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Massacre of the Waldensians in Piedmont

Recit de ce qu'il y a de plus considerable aux affaires des eglises reformées des vallées de Piedmont, depuis les massacres de l'année 1655.
[Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang(?), after 1663]. 4to. Contemporary wrappers. [4], 60 pp.
€ 2,950
Rare copy of a pamphlet on the massacre of the Waldensians in Piedmont in 1655. It is probably a second edition as the title-pages mentions: "Jouxte la copie impriméé à Haerlem 1663", though no copies from this previous Haarlem edition are known.
The Waldensians are a Christian movement with its origins in the later Middle Ages in France and they were persecuted as heretics from the 12th century onwards. From the early 17th century they were considered as early forerunners of the Reformation. In 1655 the Duke of Savoy commanded the Waldensians of Piedmont to attend Mass or leave in 20 days. The remaining Waldensians were massacred, causing indignation throughout Europe.
Some waterstains in the upper margins; wrappers with slightly rubbed edges and spine restored with cello tape. Otherwise a good copy of this rare pamphlet on the Piedmont massacre. Bibliografia Valdese 1672; STCN (1 copy); Tiele, Pamfletten 5035; WorldCat (3 copies); not in Knuttel.
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