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The pharmacopoeia of Toulouse

Codex medicamentarius, seu, pharmacopoea Tolosana, amplissimi senatus autoritate munita, ex mandato noblissimorum et vigilantissimorum capitolinorum in lucem edita.
Toulouse, Arnaldus Colomerius, 1648. Small 4to (22 x 18 cm). With woodcut device on title-page, including the arms of Toulouse. Early boards, rebacked. [12], 116 pp.
€ 2,250
Rare first edition of the official pharmacopoeia of Toulouse by Pons-François Purpan (1593-1660). The pharmacopoeia starts with the "simple" medicaments, including plants, herbs, roots, minerals, animal products etc. and continues with the recipes of compound medicines, including waters, syrups, oils, ointments, plasters etc., even including a chapter on the preparation of chemical medicines.
WorldCats description of the Toulouse copy notes two engraved armorial plates, not in the present copy, but the WorldCat descriptions of other copies don't mention them and they do not appear in the two copies digitized on Google Books. With a stain on leaf C4, a small hole in leaf M2 affecting three letters, the title-page slightly browned, but otherwise in good condition. Goldsmith, BMC STC French T478; Krivatsy 2541; WorldCat (7 copies).
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