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First edition, in 4to, of the first pharmacopoeia of The Hague, with a laudatory poem by Jacob Westerbaen

Pharmacopoea Hagiensis communi Collegii Medici ejusdem loci opera adornata.
The Hague, Johannes Tongerloo, 1659. 4to. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of The Hague on the title-page. 17th-century(?) boards covered with marbled paper. [14], 108, [12] pp.
€ 2,500
First edition of the first pharmacopoeia of The Hague, in 4to, composed by the Collegiumm Medicorum of that city. Tongerloo published the present 4to edition and a 12mo edition in the same year, both with the note at the endew of the text dated 8 February 1658, but at least some of the errata listed at the end of the 4to edition have been incorporated into the text of the 12mo edition and the errata list is omitted, so the 4to edition was clearly produced first. The present 4to seems to be the first Dutch use of a Jean Jannon italic probably never cast in the Netherlands but imported from Sedan. It is better known from the Elzeviers 1663 folio Bible.
Binding slightly worn, a small stain on the front board, spine missing (showing the binding straps), some water stains throughout. Still a good copy. Daems & Vandewiele, pp. 110-113.
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