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Unauthorized Dutch translation of the pharmacopoeia for The Hague

Haegsche apotheek op het gezag der magistraet, door den arbeid der stads-soctoren, volgens, den laetsten vernieuwen en verbeterden Latynsche druk vertaeld.
Including: Nareede van den boekverkooper.
The Hague, Johannes de Cros, 1762. 4to. With the title-page printed in red and black with an engraved view of The Hague and a frontispiece engraved by David Coster showing the god of medicine Asklepios. Contemporary red half sheepskin. [24], "272" [=274], [8] pp.
€ 1,250
First and only edition of the unauthorized Dutch translation of the official pharmacopoeia of the municipality of The Hague in the Netherlands, first published in Latin by Johannes Tongerlo in 1658 as Pharmacopoea Hagiensis. The index lists about 500 medicines. In some cases the text simply gives the name of the medicine with a reference to a published source, in others it gives a full recipe with the ingredients and instructions for their preparation.
Johannes de Cros published the translation without consent of the Collegium Medicorum of The Hague. This lead to a heated argument and De Cros would later add a postscript (8 pp.), as included in the present copy, explaining his side of the story.
Internally in very good condition; binding used, but structurally sound. Daems & Vandewiele, p. 113; STCN (9 copies, incl. 4 incomplete).
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